While working at 2k/Firaxis Games, I had the great pleasure of working on XCOM: Chimera Squad. We had a talented team of developers and a fun vision for a new twist on the XCOM formula. Sadly, I don't have the rigged character files, so I'll have to make due with all the characters in bind-pose or screenshots from the game.
Most concept work done by the amazingly talented concept team:
Mike Tassie: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oO4g5k
Jen Kraft: https://www.artstation.com/jkraft
Silvio Aebiescher made the weapon concepts if I recall correctly
Nate Broach https://www.artstation.com/natebroach made the weapons, drones and much more.
We originally had plans for all the character faces to fully animate. So everyone has full mouth interiors with teeth, tongue, mouth-sock, etc. However, time and budget constraints caused us to switch course to the 2d conversational graphics in the shipped title.
I'm still getting all my renders together and uploaded, so this space should expand with more characters and perspectives in the coming days. Stay tuned!
A turntable of the game-rez BlueBlood mesh in Marmoset.
A turntable of a fully textured game-rez Axiom in Marmoset.
The Android in-game at the base between missions. This fun-bot was concepted by the super talented Mike Tassie: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oO4g5k
A turntable of the game-rez Android mesh in Marmoset.